Innovation in Education – The implications of natural langauge
06/06/2024 | 16h00 - 16h30 | Salle Mont-Blanc
During the 1980s there were various initiatives to expand the process of education. The EuroPACE experiment in video education failed because it did not meet the expectations of the trainers in education within corporations.
Rangemore Software was started to develop a methodology that might be able dip into knowledge without the restrictions inherent in linear video based content. In the early 1990s, the British Government introduced a new mandatory syllabus in Design and Technology and Rangemore Software developed content to cover the requirements. The software was successful in that 65% of all secondary schools in England bought the software in CD-ROM format. Variations of the content were marketed in the USA.
The secondary education process relies upon school buildings to concentrate students into groups, Students learn from the teachers, other students and books. The Rangemore Software product was a substitute for books and was constrained by the pricing of books.
The Rangemore Software concept was moderately successful financially, but could have been scalable if distribution to individual students could have been achieved. The logistics of CD-ROMs constrained this and universal access using the Internet, with sufficient bandwidth, only became available after 2010.
Conférence donnée en anglais